Beatrice or the education of a young French maid

BR EV 07 01On the impeccably polished black and white chequered floor of the Glendale entrance hall, Lady Alexandra’s high heels can be heard clicking. She is about to attend a cocktail hosted by some friends, Lord Winston and Lady Camilla Harmsworth, and has chosen to wear her favourite black suit. Sober and elegant, it enhances her perfect figure. She smiles while contemplating the amber highlights of her blonde hair in the looking-glass, placed above a gilded wood Italian console and framed by two superb East India Company vases.

She is feeling in the best of shape. Splendid. A woman’s finest finery is the desire she inspires. Her skirt, short but not exceedingly so, emphasizes her shapely legs, while the basques of her jacket, hanging above the waist to underline its slimness, cross naturally over her bare breasts. The organza lining is there to show everything while hiding all. The promise of a generous cleavage, firm, triumphant. That’s the style she likes, strict but not austere, decently provocative, classical yet original, attractive but never vulgar. A crystal brooch, shaped like a large double knot around aBR EV 07 02 central stone, with a pear-shaped pendant hanging from it, adds a touch of gaiety to her attire.

- Let’s hurry up, Beatrice, is the car ready?

- James has been warned, Madam, he should be here any minute now. [Just then, the tyres of the Bentley can be heard on the gravel outside, at the bottom of the steps].

- See you tonight, Beatrice, don’t forget to prepare my bedroom for when I return.

- No, Madam. [The chauffeur opens the door, cap in hand. Lady Alexandra gets in. The maid, standing at the top of the steps, and George at the door, in the background, watch the limousine move slowly away towards the gates].

Without wasting a second of her freedom, Beatrice swings round, swiftly climbs the stairs leading to the first floor, and locks herself into Lady Alexandra’s bathroom. This is her favourite place. She can share the intimacy of her mistress, in a cosy atmosphere, conducive to silence and peace. The pastel colours of the walls and of the material bathe the room in subdued light. A sensual and greedy scent pervades everything, a heady fragrance blending tuberose and heliotrope. Everywhere, on the shelves, impeccably lined up, are row upon row of bottles, all shapes and sizes, of pots filled with makeup brushes, hair-brushes and combs, of tubes of foundation cream, bottles of eau de toilette, eyelid shades, eye-liners, eye and eyebrow pencils, mascara- and lip-sticks, powder testers, nail-polish, hydrating lotions, body milks, makeup remover lotions, radiance face packs, complexion sublimers, embellishing balms…

Engulfed, her eyes closed, in the secret world of female beauty, Beatrice settles before the mirror, surrounded by lamps like a theatre dressing room. She has pulled her hair back with a narrow pink elastic band and is observing her face. From the front. The side. Three-quarters. She remembers the BR EV 07 03expressions of her mistress. She takes an obvious pleasure in imitating her gestures and half-closes her eyes as she does, catching just shadow and light between her lashes.

- [Talking to herself] Now, relax, Beatrice, Madam will not be back just yet! Don’t hurry, take your time and try to remember how she does it. First, the face. She cleans it, before applying a fluid and melting foundation cream, using a soft sponge. Go right up to the roots of your hair. While you’re at it, cover up a budding shadow, a touch of redness on the edge of the nose, the slightest wrinkle at the corner of the lips. Don’t forget the neck. Now, a slight film of powder with the puff to give your skin a matt and satin-like appearance.

Under the lights, her face looks firmer. Beatrice smiles to herself. Face and body are her best assets, the only capital she can rely upon.

- Now, the eyes. Quite essential, the eyes. You’re lucky they’re blue. The shades of the entire make-up must be based on this dominant colour and to enhance it, you must choose an eyelid shade in the same hue, or a complementary one.

The maid carefully examines several shades, compares them, hesitates and finally goes ahead. SheBR EV 07 04 covers her upper eyelid with a shade of iridescent white before applying a halo of very light blue with a smaller brush. While she is carefully eye-lining her lashes, the bathroom door opens all of a sudden. Blandine appears, feather duster in hand, astonished.

- What on earth are you doing here?

- Mind your own business and get out!

- You can be sure I’ll tell Madam about this when she gets back!

- Tale-telling indeed, that’s your line, you do nothing else, just to give a good image of yourself!

- And you, always playing the bimbo, wiggling your bottom!

- I warn you, Blandine, if you mention this to Madam, I’ll make sure she finds out about your goings-on in the barn with Edward, the farm hand, while I do your work!

Exasperated, Blandine shrugs and leaves the room, slamming the door furiously. Beatrice smiles, sighs deeply and moves her face closer to the looking-glass to extend her eyelashes with a blue mascara.

- Where was I? Ah yes, now the cheeks. Of utmost importance, the cheeks! But with my rather round face, better apply a stronger shade of blush in the hollow of

the cheekbones. A slight blush, like a child caught in the act, men love that!

The maid imagines the scene, puts on a modest mien, demurely lowers her eyes, then raises them with a fake guilty look.

- Perfect, I must practice blushing on request and keeping my eyelashes lowered on my eyelids. I’m almost ready, I just needBR EV 07 05 to do my mouth.

She widens her mouth by redrawing her lips with a violet pencil, then gives them volume by applying the lighter shade of lipstick to the middle and the darker shade to the edges. A touch of gloss glazes them overall, like a candy-coated sugar-plum.

- Smiling at men, drawing their eyes to my mouth, letting them fantasize on that pearly sea-shell, half-open on a chasm of sensuality. There, I’m done. If only I dared, I would also paint my nails. Oh, well, better not in my job, let’s remain discreet: invisible complexion, lush and well-separated eyelashes, impeccable mouth. I think Madam would approve, if only I could show her.

Immersed in her thoughts, and continuing to admire herself in the looking-glass, Beatrice hears some noise, beyond the partition, in her mistress’ room.

- Blandine, you’re really going to make me angry, I told you to leave me alone!

The door opens suddenly. Instead of Blandine, it’s Lady Alexandra who bursts into the bathroom. Petrified, the maid stands up.

- But Madam, you are back already? I wasn’t expecting you so early! You told me you would be in very late!BR EV 07 06

- Well, you stupid little goose, you simply shouldn’t believe everything I say. There’s nothing I love better than springing surprises on my servants, and I knew only too well you would be getting up to mischief behind my back! Was I mistaken?

- I’ve done nothing wrong, Madam.

- Silence, insolent creature, come here. Do you specialize in war painting? Have you seen how you are made up? Do you think this is a circus? [To herself: if this is a first attempt, the girl’s really gifted!] Have you forgotten that I strictly forbade you to make-up? Kneel down in this corner at once, with your hands on your head.

Drawn by the loud voices, a beaming Blandine promptly intrudes upon the conversation.

- That’ll teach you a lesson, Beatrice, you really deserve it! What’s more, I didn’t even have to accuse you!

- [Lady Alexandra] George, now where on earth has he vanished again?

- [Cunningly] Madam called me?

- Yes George, install the rack in the small sitting-room and bring me my flogger, we’ll join you there in a few minutes.

- At once, Madam. The small flogger with a yellow handle or the long-lashed one?

- Both.

- Yes, Madam. Does Madam wish to see the punishment meted out before the other servants?

- Naturally, George, summon them all and hurry up!

Dim 30 mai 2010 Aucun commentaire